Wednesday, July 29, 2009

myself is it?

people born in this month... ( here it refers to me )

February (me remember! )

Abstract thoughts. (yeah..abstract nice)
Loves reality and abstract. ( again? )
Intelligent and clever. ( other can judge that for me )
Changing personality. ( huh? really? skejap aku jd hulk jap g jd catwoman ke? )
Attractive. ( cant say im not *smug* ) Sexy. ( i am not..i think..)
Temperamental. ( everybody have that ) Quiet, shy (rolling on the floor ) and humble.
Honest and loyal. (people know me better than i am )
Determined to reach goals. ( if not, what life for? )
Loves freedom. ( peace yo )
Rebellious when restricted. (this one...*thinking* )
Loves aggressiveness. (u mean sports is it? )
Too sensitive and easily hurt. ( i say not, but others may say yes )
Gets angry really easily but does not show it. (hurm..theres always an angel and devil beside us...)
Dislike unnecessary things. (example??)
Loves making friends but rarely shows it. (there's nothing to show )
Daring and stubborn. (part of me i guess)
Ambitious. (life is a long journey )
Realizing dreams and hopes. ( have plenty of it)
Sharp. ( which part? haha )
Loves entertainment and leisure. (who doesn't? )
Romantic on the inside not outside. (wow...the quiz know me better than i know myself )Superstitious and ludicrous. ( once in a while )
Spendthrift. ($-> hi3 )
Tries to learn to show emotions. ( *rolling eyes* )


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